Maddalena Adorno, Ph.D.

Maddalena Adorno is the co-founder and CEO of Dorian Therapeutics, Inc. and the main inventor of the senoblocker technology that the company is pursuing. In 2019 she was an invited speaker at the Time 100 Health Summit where she presented senoblockers as potential therapeutics for aging.
Before founding Dorian, Maddalena completed her postdoctoral training at Stanford University studying Stem Cell and Aging Biology. She was then awarded a Siebel fellowship and received two grants to further advance her research. During her 15 years spent in Academia, she published 13 papers in high-impact journals including Nature, Cell and Science, and her discoveries in stem cell biology were considered amongst the most important research at Stanford University in 2013.
In 2014, she was the co-founder of StemGuard, Inc., a biotech company developing neuroprotectors for degenerative diseases. She is also an inventor on several patents in cancer biology, aging and degenerative diseases.
Maddalena sits on the advisory board of Kin-Keepers, a company that uses new technologies to improve life quality for the elderly. She also advises the Stanford Down Syndrome Research Center, where her expertise in aging biology helps in designing new treatments for patients with Down Syndrome.
Maddalena received her M.Sc. in Medical Biotechnology magna cum laude and a Ph.D. in Biomedicine from University of Padova, Italy. During that time, she co-founded and led the National Council of Biotechnology Students (CNSB) and she served for two years on the executive board of the National Italian Association of Biotechnologists (ANBI).